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Thank you for your interest in my photographs.

Here are two options for purchasing (click to learn more):


Custom wall arrangements

Individual prints


Wall Arrangement

Custom wall arrangements

Collaboratively we'll assemble a set of images for a particular location (wall, room, or building) using your ideas and needs as design criteria. You can start by identifying the location, and images from my galleries that call to you. To help me understand your vision I'll ask that you send me dimensions and photos of the space along with your design ideas/criteria (e.g. bold or subtle, unusual or traditional, lively or serene, colorful or pastel or black and white, small or large images, and other visual preferences). We'll explore possible themes to tie the set together, how many photos to use and their size range, and consider visual orientation and organizing principles.
The slideshow below showcases completed installations (including cost before shipping). The first is a “natural elements” (water, mountains, forest, sand, and flowers) themed installation in a Honolulu living room. The wall was thirteen by nine feet. The client identified twelve images to start, and I offered alternatives for consideration; together we narrowed to five keeping in mind the size of the space and budget. We looked at different organizing schemes via sketches I provided, and settled on a horizontal approach with one dominant image.


In the Walnut Creek entryway installation, the client wanted a bright bold statement that welcomed guests to her home filled with colorful artwork. The third installation finds me standing in our home next to an installation of three complementary images chosen for their intrigue and ability to work together on a "Zen" green wall. The fourth slide shows a living room in Rossmore, California that featured a cathedral ceiling with expansive views. This panoramic sunrise image with dramatic clouds was selected by the client and presented as a triptych.

Living Room
$710, canvas prints

To begin your custom arrangement please contact me. I can help you clarify your ideas, and scale your vision appropriately to your space and budget. Please include your phone number so we can dialogue about your interests and vision, and consider options as we work together.

Individual Prints

Individual canvas or print images

Select images that inspire you, then contact me via email (please include your phone number) and we can dialogue regarding your vision for their size and location. Together we’ll work to find the most appropriate format for your desired placement. At this time the format could be canvas prints or framed prints. Once we’ve determined the format and final size, I’ll give you an estimate for the total cost of the image(s) including shipping. I’m currently sourcing prints from Bay Photo; they do excellent work, have extensive options, and are great to work with.

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